Friday, 5 October 2012

Yet to be realised, image received, sent and justification

Above is the image I received by email from Schnel. I spent some time studying this image after receiving it, trying to unpick the scene and understand what is happening within the frame.
I noted the board game being played is monopoly so decided this was on possible route for developing the story.

I considered focusing more on the people and their actions that would follow the ones capture above. However i decided to change the view point of the people in the scene, paying particular attention to the laughing expression. This interested me as there isn’t really any aspect or monopoly that results in such amusement. 
From this I figured I could create a more witty, light hearted and playful image which allows the net person in the chain (Kieran) to interpret the image and completely shift the meaning of the series.

I set up a game of monopoly in my room and chose a random ‘Chance’ card. which I then held in front of me and photographed from a realistic view point.
I used a low aperture to achieve a shallow depth of field.
I was sure to shoot in the same format as the image sent to me also. 
The image below is the one I chose to edit as the one with the legs I thought was too suggestive. and the others didn’t reveal as much of the board, I wanted the money and dice to be visible as to increase the chances of development on the behalf of the person as well as not have to limit him or control his interpretation of the sex of the person holding the image. This was purposely intentional as i thought it would be interesting if he was to create the next scene but shift the subject matter and maybe interpret a different gender being involved in this sequence.

After selecting the image I thought was best composed and technically most appropriate and strongest I used photoshop to slightly crop the image to make the proportions similar to those of the image I received and converted the image to black and white. I slightly increased the contrast, again to keep in visual relation the one which I had received. 
I then used the clone tool to cover up the text which was on the card originally. I found a font as similar to monopoly font as i could and used the text tool, along with the move and rotate tool to perfectly position the new text. Above it the final image I passed on.
I thought it would be interesting to see how Kieran, a male interprets this and how he may consider the perspective and the person who could be reading this card after having “endured” a dinner party.

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