Sunday, 30 September 2012

Initial proposal - circular narrative brief

Elizabeth Chandler - BA(HONS) Photography - Level 5
Areas of Photographic Practice A - Circular Narrative

Project Proposal (Deadline  Tuesday 30th October 2012 - 1:30pm HT013)

I am highly enthused by this brief and have many ideas as to how I can develop my series of images. Each idea been extremely diverse and interpreting my initial given image in a different manner.
I have narrowed these ideas down to a few which I feel are strongest and wish to discuss here, in my initial proposal. 
After discussion with tutors and fellow peers, in addition to extensive research I hope to pin point the one strongest concept which I can then further develop and take forward to create my final submission.
The ideas stimulated from unpicking the image given to me relate to visible change In this instance, my first idea would be to look at alterations caused by the weathering of the environment in which we live. In the image we see a large arrow on what we could assume is a city, certainly a street scene. 
I propose to explore the deterioration of such street markings over time and present this in a series of images, returning back to the original state. This would replicate the life cycle of such markings and represent the constant maintenance required in order to ensure roads are safe and well illustrated.
To do this, I would find a location that matched (as closely as possible) to the one in the original image and take a series of images. I would then use photoshop to digitally weather the appearance of the road signs.
I could consider capturing peoples feet and cars in the images, to highlight the point that it is through constant use of the space that the scene is altered over time. I could even consider, If possible to attempt to create a scene towards the end of my series which shows the original state being restored.
In relation to the above discussed idea, I thought about looking at the visible change of a scene over time and how this is altered by the interaction of people using that space. For example the build up of rubbish throughout the day, again returning back to it’s original state after the road sweepers have done their work.
This series would be working with a 24 hour cycle which works perfectly in terms of the structure of a circular narrative. Again in order to create this I would look for a scene as close, aesthetically to the one in the image given to me and shoot as a typology at different intervals throughout the 24 hours.
Another idea I had was to consider focusing on the people that interact with the space and the significance of their presence. So for example, in the day commuters and workers. Versus the night time, the club scene and so on. I would have to consider the framing of the images. as to reveal relevant details which help identify the change of people using the space. I.e Shoes, briefcases, shopping bags ect. 
A final idea I had was to think of the image as being the start and end point of a 360 degree pan of the area, Although I like the idea of how this has potential to look, I am not sure it would flow as well as my other ideas. 
Considering the general theme of my initial ideas, my first thought for a title was “Visible Change” this is something that may or may not be appropriate depending which idea I choose to peruse, however it will be useful and serve it’s purpose as a working title upon which to develop my ideas.
With the first three ideas, I would be working to achieve a series of images which in a sense sits as a chronological time line displaying the progression of a given theme throughout a specified period of time.
I would be exploring the ‘visible changes’ that occur in that space and inspecting, through research the implications of these changes and how we as humans utilizing the space could be seen to be responsible for such. With any of the above stated ideas the work would be aimed at an art gallery setting, with people interested in such being the target audience. 
Thinking about the message of the images. It would depend on the idea i decide to peruse, however i think with my three main ideas, the work would be commenting on the interaction between people and places. Or the weather and it’s effect, in conjunction with the people using the spaces.
I will be certain with the assignment to pay attention to the flow of the images ensuring the colouration, viewpoint, format, angles, lighting and mood all flow in a sensible manner where appropriate. Doing so, I hope will guarantee the overall effect of the series. 

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